Congratulations on your receiving the WARLOCK typestyle. Warlock is our most exciting typestyle that lends itself to many other typestyles available for purchase.
Warlock, a very sharping and contrasting looking type is available in Type 1, TrueType, Windows TrueType, and PC Type 1 styles. If you would prefer your typestyle in a different form please read the section on registering your typestyle. NONE of Audio Electric Systems' Typestyles are Freeware! They are all reluctantly SHAREWARE at that. You must register this typestyle if you plan on keeping it in your collection of type, whether you use it frequently or not. If you do not plan on registering this typestyle then pass it on to a friend or associate or erase it! If you pass it on it absolutely must be accompianied by this information file.
All those who keep this Typestyle in their possession are bound by this License Agreement. You are not permitted to breakdown this type and change it for use as a different typestyle. You may decompose characters or phrases as needed for advanced text manipulation as provided by many graphic programs. This type may NOT ever see a Font Editor of any type. (e.g. Fontographer, FontStudio). Companies who distrubute shareware for a charge are not permitted to use this font in their collection without permission from Audio Electric Systems. On-Line Services such as Compuserve & Americal Online are authorized. All NON-CHARGING Bulletin Boards are of course permitted. The type may not be stripped of any of it's component by anyone for distribution. (We have had people receiving fonts with only the Capital letters from some Shareware clubs - This is prohibited). Audio Electric Systems reserves all rights. You must register this type of not keep it!
All those who register their fonts will be notified as new typestyles come out and other products offered by Audio Electric Systems. That way you can get things directly without paying expensive phone charges for downloads.
After much planning we have decided to make registration as painless as possible by cutting it where it counts, in cost. Each type style is only $10.00 which is very reasonable for the unuiqueness of the typestyles. Included with this file is a catalog of all the currently available type styles. The Bit-Mapped Fonts in the catalog are shareware for $2.00 a piece if not purchased with the Outline.
To register, simplly type in the information below and print out the last page of this file. Mail the orderform along with your check or money order to the address below. If you have any questions feel free to contact us. We are on-line at America Online @ AESconsul and Compuserve @ AESconsul